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The three Nobles for the Tongatapu Constituency are Lord Vaea, Lord Tu’ivakano and Lord Fohe (newcomer). The newcomers replaces Lord Ma’afu and Lord Vaha’i.

Lord Nuku has been re-elected as ‘Eua Noble Representative to Parliament. Lord Tu’iha’angana and Lord Fakafanua remain as the Ha’apai Noble Representatives to Parliament.

Incumbent Noble Members for the Vava’u Constituency, Lord Tu’i’afitu and Lord Tu’ilakepa were re-elected again. And His Serene Highness Prince Fotofili is the new Noble Representative of the Ongo Niua the replacement of Lord Fusitu’a.

Tonga goes to the poll today to elect new Members to the Legislative Assembly.

Nobles elect their representatives to Parliament at 10:00am – 12:00 pm, while the election of the People Representatives from 9:00am to be closed at 4:00pm today.