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Education Officer, Manase Foukimoana reports that the first session was held with the Hihifo community last Saturday.

The initiative is to develop and further enhance the public’s understanding of the role and core functions of the Legislative Assembly and how it operates.

The outreach program is also extended to the community as a result of requests from the communities last year to be included in the program.

It involves an evening briefing session to inform and educate people, young and old on various topics regarding Parliament.

Similar sessions will take place today and tomorrow at Pangai and Lifuka community respectively.

Today the parliamentary outreach team also conducted visitation programs to schools, including the Government Primary Schools of Pangai and Fotua, Ha’apai High School, Sosefo College, Taufa’ahau College and the Tokaikolo –‘Ofa Mo’oni School.

Same school visit programs will be conducted in the next two days in Pangai then the education team will continue on a similar mission to Vava’u on May 7.

During these school visits, parliamentary educational material kits will be distributed to teachers as a guide for teaching of the Tongan Studies and Tonga Society and Culture (TSC) subjects.

While in Neiafu from May 7-13, the parliamentary outreach team will conduct community briefing sessions and school visit programs to 17 schools including secondary and primary schools.

Due to budget restraints this year, the team cannot visit all schools in remote islands, but all will be supplied with parliamentary educational kits.

There are no community sessions for Tongatapu as people have readily available information from Parliament and websites.

The outreach program for ‘Eua commences on May 11 while a schedule for the Niuas is to be conducted during the parliamentary constituency visit.

The Australian Government is funding the parliamentary outreach program through its close collaboration with UNDP’s Tonga Governance Strengthening Programme (TGSP).