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This year’s theme: Placing Parliamentarians at the Centre of Global Development.

The Honorable Speaker of Parliament, Lord Fakafanua and Tongatapu 2 constituency MP, Semisi Tapueluelu are representing the Tongan Parliament at the conference.

The International Parliamentary Conference on the Post-2015 Development Agenda conference supported by UNDP, aims to build the capacity of MPs to ensure that governance, transparency and accountability as necessary contributors to good development outcomes are at the core of the post-2015 development debate.

CPA UK’s website ( says the three day event objectives include the following:

  • To inform parliamentarians of the current UN processes of the post-2015 development agenda by increasing the understanding of the High-Level Panel Report and outlining the outcomes from the United Nations MDG Review Summit
  • To advocate for the continued involvement of parliamentarians in shaping the post-2015 development agenda
  • To encourage discussion between parliamentarians on thematic and regional issues to identify the key challenges to be addressed in the post-2015 debate
  • To examine what contribution good governance and the rule of law can make to development outcomes; how it can be measured; and what targets ought to be included in the post-2015 development agenda
  • To explore the mechanisms that parliamentarians can use to hold governments to account to ensure that international commitments to development are implemented at a local, national and regional level
  • To analyse options for a global accountability and monitoring framework to ensure transparency and best practice permeates the implementation and measurement of all development indicators
  • To examine how to strengthen inter-state, regional and global mutual accountability so that compliance is self-reinforcing
  • To consider how the Commonwealth and other international and regional organizations might contribute to the post-2015 development agenda
  • To explore opportunities in which parliamentarians can build partnerships with civil society, the private sector, multi-lateral institutions and marginalized groups to promote and deliver the post-2015 development goals through the policy-making process
  • To examine how parliamentarians can scrutinize the work of civil society, the private sector and international donors to ensure that it is aligned with the post-2015 development goals.

In a letter from Chair, CPA UK Executive Committee, RT Hon. Sir Alan Haselhurst MP believed passionately that parliamentarians are one of the most important stakeholders in the formation, sustainability an accountability of domestic and international development.

“And … hope that we can strengthen parliamentary capacity in this field,” stated RT Hon. Sir Alan Haselhurst.

The Chair also mentioned that “our aim must be to contribute to the United Nation and civil society organisations in developing the post 2015 framework.

“We must also show that as parliamentarians we can play an even greater role than previously envisaged in implementing and succeeding in reaching the post-2015 development goals,” explained RT Hon. Haselhurt MP.

The UK Parliament’s website states that new global development goals to end extreme poverty, improve health and education, and promote sustainability must be simple and measurable.

While in the United Kingdom, the Tongan MPs will also attend a one day conference on Monday, November 25 on theme, “Equality and the Empowerment of Women in the Post 2015 Development Agenda.”

It will focus on increasing the involvement of women in decision making at all levels and how to measure quantitative and qualitative progress.

The London meeting brings together an assortment of high profile experts from governmental, international and non-governmental organizations and academia who will lead discussions on how parliamentarians including Tongans – can continue to work for eradication of poverty across the globe.