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It is with great pleasure and honour that I join Their Majesties The King and Queen and the rest of our fellow Tongans here in warmly welcoming

Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Malo ho’omo laumalie!

As a proud member of the commonwealth and the last remaining monarchy in the South Pacific, the Kingdom of Tonga and the United Kingdom share many common ties beyond the rugby field as two rugby nations, it began in the 1800s when brave young missionaries left their homeland to bring us Christianity and later establishing the oldest high school in the region. This enduring friendship and legacy is more evident today with Tonga achieving 99% literacy and of course your presence here also reaffirms one of those important bonds.

The long standing, friendly and cordial relations enjoyed between our two nations continues to endure despite the vast distance of 10,000 miles and 12 different time zones that separates us. We are therefore very pleased with the recent announcement of reopening a British diplomatic mission in Tonga.

One of the most treasured moments that remains a highlight of Tonga’s heritage is the coronation of Her Majesty The Queen, at which our Late Queen Salote left behind a memorable impression on the British population. Following The Queen’s coronation in London, we were honored to welcome Queen Elizabeth to the shores of the Friendly Islands during her Coronation World Tour in 1953 and again in 1970.

Most appropriately, a very recent ITV documentary of The Queen recalls her fond memories of her visit to Tonga, although she doesn't miss sitting cross legged for hours on end on the floor.

Thankfully, Your Royal Highnesses, tonight we have chairs.

On a more serious note, inclusive and sustainable development remains a high priority for Tonga especially when faced with the existential threat of climate change and other economic and social challenges. I can proudly say that there are concerted efforts by our government, parliament and non-government organizations to empower the youth and support the needy. You may be pleased to learn that initiatives like Girls Take Over Parliament, a first in the Pacific Islands and supported by the Commonwealth Youth Council will take over our parliament next week. On the ground, youth lead groups such as Tonga Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship, Tonga Youth Leaders, GOSH-Cry, ICON Tonga and Talau group are each actively doing their part towards Tonga’s sustainable development.

I want to take this opportunity to commend The Duke of Sussex for your leadership in highlighting youth led-initiatives as well as environmental and conservation efforts in the commonwealth and particularly in Tonga. Together with the Duchess of Sussex’s passion for social justice and women empowerment, (wine and cookbooks) you are both a youthful force for positive change in the commonwealth.

Once again, to Your Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, welcome to Tonga. This may be a fleeting first visit, but we certainly hope this will not be your last.

Loyal Toast to The Queen

I now ask that you all please stand with me and charge your glasses for the loyal toast to Her Majesty, may she continue her prosperous, peaceful and illustrious reign over the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The Queen.

(British National Anthem)

The Queen.

(Drink Toast)
