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All Members who were present voted in favour of the Bill.

This is a consequential amendment to amend section 94 of the Criminal Offences Act.

The main purpose of the amendment is to rectify the incorrect reference to section 25 of the Traffic Act in section 94 of the Criminal Offences Act.

The Traffic Act was repealed and replaced in 2020 and section 25 of the new Traffic Act now refers to a different subject matter, which makes the cross reference from the Act incorrect.

Section 27 of the new Traffic Act now refers to Reckless and Dangerous Driving and this is the correct section for the Act to refer to.

The Justice Minister Hon. Samiu Vaipulu told Parliament some alleged criminal offenders get away with reckless and dangerous driving charges because of the incorrect cross reference in the Traffic Act legislation.

The Speaker of Parliament Lord Fakafanua supports the Bill as the proposed amendments ensures consistency of the new Traffic Act and the Criminal Offences Act.