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This was announced in a letter read in Parliament today, in response to His Majesty, King Tupou VI’s address from the throne last Thursday.

A Select Committee established following the opening of Parliament was chaired by the Noble Representative for the Niuas, Lord Fusitu’a, and tasked with drafting the official reply to the King’s address on the State Opening of Parliament.

In the response letter, Parliament affirmed its commitment to perform its best in discussing, managing and addressing the financial situation of the country.

Parliament pledged continued support of the Government’s initiatives and strategies to promote good governance, reduce poverty and also to improve health, education, information and technology sectors.

Parliament also reaffirmed its support to programmes on advanced preparedness in times of natural disasters, climate change and its impact, and to further promote the usage of sustainable renewable energy.

On infrastructure, Parliament reassured His Majesty of their continued support to improve transportation and communication as well as supporting the Government’s efforts to host the Pacific Games in 2019.

Parliament acknowledged the continued donor support from overseas government and aid agencies for the development of Tonga’s economy.

Parliament pledged to assist Government in all efforts in the preparation for the Coronation in July.

The response letter ended with best wishes from Parliament for His Majesty’s Coronation and wishing His Majesty prosperity during His rule and reign.

The House is now adjourned until further notice while Lord Fusitu’a and Tongatapu 4 constituency MP, Mateni Tapueluelu deliver the response to His Majesty.