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This is to elect their new Member of Parliament to fill the seat of former MP and late Hon. Prime Minister, ‘Akilisi Pohiva who passed away in September this year. 

Election Supervisor, Pita Vuki confirms this morning. He said more than 4200 registered voters were registered in the electoral register in the 2015 general election. In 2017, over 4300 were registered to vote.

There are only two candidates that are vying to run for Tongatapu 1 vacant seat in Parliament. They are number one candidate Siaosi Pohiva and number two candidate Dr. Netatua Pelesikoti Taufatofua.

The by-election will kick off at 9am-4pm in five polling stations in Tonga and one each for ‘Eua, Ha’apai, Vava’u and the Niuas.

It will be the first time for a by-election held for Tongatapu 1 electorate after their former MP served Parliament for 32 years.

The Office of the Legislative Assembly is urging eligible voters to exercise their democratic rights by electing their new MP to serve in Parliament in the next two years.