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That brings the total number of reported positive cases at 715.

The Hon. Prime Minister Huákavameiliku made the announcement to the media today.

As of yesterday, the total number of Covid-19 positive cases were 645.

Of the 715 positive cases, there are 411 active cases and 304 have recovered.

The Hon. Health Minister Dr. Saia Piukala says the number of Covid cases has not yet peaked as the number is slowly rising. He pointed out, that none of the 715 positives cases were severely ill and warned the public not to take Covid-19 lightly.

He advised the public, to protect their own family and they should obey and comply with the COVID-rules by wearing face mask, always wash or sanitise hands and to maintain the social distances.

Hon. Piukala said Tonga is fortunate that when Covid-entered the community, majority of the population have been vaccinated and testing equipment like RATs are available to help with covid-testing. He said unlike Fiji and other Pacific Islands like Kiribati (30+ death) and the Solomon Islands, many deaths were reported because people were not vaccinated.

He also asserted the Health Ministry can deal with the situation now, however, if it gets to a point where the number of positive cases say peaks then the situation will be reverted from the orange to red. Dr. Piukala said this depends on the public’s compliance level.

Meanwhile the Hon. Prime Minister announced that liquor shops will open starting next week.

Night curfew remains at 8:00pm until 5:00am.

Outdoor sports like tennis, pickleball and golf are allowed as well next week.

Hon. Hu’akavameiliku also reminded the public, kava gathering is still prohibited and bars and nightclub remain closed.

Secondary schools remain at home. He said with repatriation flights next week to bring more than 400 Tongans stranded overseas due to COVID-19, it is best to defer opening of the secondary schools.

‘’There were plans for secondary school forms five, six and seven to start next week. But it is best to postpone it."

