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It is aimed at further enhancing and to familiarise the MPs with knowledge and understanding of the Legislature, their duties and also Parliament’s oversight role on the Executive.

The induction program will be led by the Lord Speaker, Clerk and Deputy Clerk of Parliament and other Heads of Departments. Experts have been invited to conduct presentations on various issues related to Parliament.

The MPs will also be briefed on the legislative process (Government Bills and Private Bills), public consultation and public engagement, parliamentary debates and petitions. Motions and the overview of Tonga’s parliamentary system and governance framework, parliamentary democracy, parliamentary privilege and the overview of the Rules of Procedures and Standing Orders will also be covered.

The MPs will also learn about their entitlements, parliamentary services provided to them, representation and constituency offices, Standing and Select committees among other issues.

A session will also be provided on donor forum and the budget process, and scrutiny of the Executive in terms of budget, annual reports, audit reports and questions to Minister.

This is the first part of the MPs induction program with the second one scheduled for March 21-23 as stated in the Parliament sitting’s calendar.